Reading Material (Rhythm Heaven Fever)

Revision as of 00:28, 10 March 2014 by Shocotate (talk | contribs) (Added information to article)

Rhythm Heaven Fever, like Rhythm Heaven, has several written articles given for achieving perfects. However, unlike Rhythm Heaven, these articles differ slightly between the US and UK versions of the game.


[US] Thanks for buying Rhythm Heaven Fever! We've created a bunch of fun rhythm games for you. Everyone has rhythm-- even those who don't think they do! We hope you'll enjoy finding your own rhythm. So have fun and enjoy all the game has to offer.


[UK, Article is named 'Greetings'] Thank you for buying Beat the Beat: Rhythm Paradise! We created a range of fun rhythm gaves just for you! Everybody has a sense of rhythm, even if they are not aware of it. We hope you get to feel the joy of finding your rhythm through these games. So have fun and enjoy all the beat has to offer.

Golf Lessons

[US] I was practicing all the time, but my golf game just wasn't improving. A friend recommended that I see a golf coach he knew, and I figured it couldn't hurt. I went to our meeting place, expecting a middle-aged guy in ugly pants. That...wasn't what I got.

Monkey: "Hi, you can call me Monkey. I'm going to show you some tricks to improve your score."

Mandrill: "Hellooo! I'm a mandrill. I help Monkey out sometimes."

I thought about asking for their qualifications, but before I knew it, I was showing them my swing.

Monkey: "Great form! You just need to work on your timing."

Mandrill: "and REAL golfers can hit a ball no matter what. Even if it's moving. Fast."

Monkey: "See that whale that kinda looks like an island out there? When I give you the cue, swing toward that."

Mandrill: "And remember that it's not about power. Listen for Monkey's cue, and time your swing on that."

Monkey: "Oo kiiii. ♪"

Golf ball: *clunk*

Mandrill: "Not bad. But anyone can get one lucky shot. You're gonna have to practice, and practice hard!"

And that was the day my REAL golf education began...


[UK, Article is named 'How to Get a Hole in One'] No matter how much I practised, I struggled to improve my gold score and couldn't even dream of getting a hole in one. I heard about  a pair of professionals through a friend that coud guarantee results fast. I went to the place I had arranged to meet my new caddies to find a curious duo.

"Ook! I'm Monkey and I'm here to teach you how to improve your score."

"and Mandrill show you how to get strong!"

It was unusual to say the least but I showed them a couple of my practice swings.

"Nice form! You just need to work on your timing," said the monkey.

"Golfer think only hitting stopped ball is good training?" asked the large mandrill, "Mandrill teach better technique!"

"Focus on what whale by the island over there," instructed the monkey, "follow my signal and concentrate on your timing."

"Power nothing without timing. Monkey say, golfer do!" the mandrill explained.

I tried to take note of their informative if unconventional golfing instruction.

"Ooky!" "Whoosh!" "Plop!"

"Mandrill think that was lucky hit. Lucky golfer can not do every time. Less luck, more practice!"

From that day, I got better and better at getting a hole in one.

Industrial Espionage

[US] At a secret hideout in an undisclosed location under a heavy veil of mystery and darkness...

Leader: "All right, tell me what you've discovered in your surveillance."

Spy: "Of course. The factory has begun production on a top-secret, extremely advanced new deisign. I've confirmed at least two different models, the larger one approximately 200 feet tall and weighing about 60,000 tons. The final phase of assembly is when they screw the head to the body. This is tricky, and if it's done wrong, the robot has to be scrapped. The workers on that part of the line are pretty tense, obviously, so they've been playing some soothing music to help with the work. When each robot is completed, it says a code phrase and the heart symbol on its chest glows with appreciation."

Leader: "I the music is how they've kept production so high. We'll need to stop that somehow if we're going to beat them. All right. Go continue your surveillance. Alert me to any changes."

Spy: "Understood. And if I'm discovered, you'll extract me from the enemy factory full of 200-foot robots right? ...Right?"


[UK, Article is named 'Screwbot Secrets'] Somewhere, at a secret hideout...

"Ok, minion! Tell me what your spying revealed."

"Yes, boss. The factory has a top secret robot development programme in operation. The design for two different robots are already being put into production. The robots are 40 metres tall and weigh approximately 30,000 tonnes. The production line terminates in a large arm which screws down the robots' heads fast and tight. This operation is extremely precise and the robots become inoperable if it is not completed correctly. The operators require nerves of steel in order to prevent a massive robot scrap pile. I noticed that the factory constantly plays the same Arabian-style music. Operating the machines in time to the music appears to make the job easier than it seems at first glance. Upon completion, the robots signal that they are operational using code words and a heart-shaped glow comes from their chests. The sight of the successfully completed robots seems to encourage the machine operatiors to maintain their work quality."

"I see...So, the key to their success is in the music. We must understand it if we are to have any chance of beating them. We must analyse the data further and develop a counter plan against that factory. You must go back to the factory and find out the secret to that rhythm."

"As you wish, boss."


[US] See: "Hey, Saw."

Saw: "What's up, See?"

See: "How many years have we been working together?"

Saw: "Let's see...It was two years before I got married, so that's...10 years."

See: "That long already! Time really does fly."

Saw: "Just think: 10 years of 'een-oon, ba-bom.'"

See: "Woooow...I'm amazed that I'm still not sick of it."

Saw: "Seems like I've been falling on my rump more and more lately...Sorry about that, See."

See: "Hey, I've been the one falling onto my head for those handstand jumps. I'm the one who should apologize, Saw."

Saw: "No, no. I fall on my bum WAY more. I'm sorry."

See: "But my head smashes are way creepy, so I'M sorry."

Saw: "So hey, how is your neck, anyway?"

See: "It's OK. How about you, Saw? Your bum's not sore or anything?"

Saw: "Nah. Thanks, though."

See: "Say, the kids'll be showing up to play at the park pretty soon."

Saw: "We better get to work, then, keeping them off this unsafe seesaw. Heh."


[UK, article is named 'See-Saw Inspectors'] "So, Mr Saw..."

"What's up, Mr See?"

"How long have we been partners?"

"Well, let's see...we met two years before you got married, so it must be 10 years."

"Can it really be that long?! Time flies when you're having fun."

"Yeah, and to think we've been saying the same things every day for 10 years..."

"Every day for 10 years...Will we ever get bored?"

"Dunno. I'm sorry for all the times you ended up on your behind."

"And I'm sorry for all the times you landed on your face!"

"I think I caused you more falls than you caused me."

"It's no problem, my head is less delicate that your behind."

"Really? Are you sure you didn't get whiplash?"

"I'm fine. Are you sure it doesn't hurt when you sit down?"

"There hasn't been a see-saw that has beaten my bottom yet"

"I'm glad I found a see-saw inspector as good as you."

"Before we have an awkward silence, we've got to finsih testing these see-saws before all the kids show up!"

"Now you're talking! I'll never get tired of this job!"

My Feelings

[US] I've always wanted to learn the guitar but never had the nerve to try. When I finally did get up the courage, I found that SHE worked at the local music shop. She told me I had nothing to be afraid of, that playnig guitar was simple. Easy for her to say-- everyone knows her band is big in Japan. I didn't have enough money to buy one that day, but she let me try out a guitar and showed me some chords. I came back a lot over the next six months while I saved up my allowance. Now I've bought my guitar, I've started a band, and I'm practicing a lot. I even wrote a song for her. Only problem is I can't bring myself to play it for her. So instead, I'll invite her to our first live show. After school, we sat on a bench together while I tried to work up the courage to give her the ticket I got her. My throat was parched, and my mind was racing. For some reason, some weasels were looking at us... And then a strange thing happened. A soccer ball came at us, and I reflexively gave it a good kick. It felt great! It calmed me down too. Even the weasels seemed happy. So I started kicking away my feelings...


[UK] I decided to take up the guitar and headed to the local music shop. That was when I first saw her. She was in the year above mine and already had a band which had won several competitions. I heard she'd even been approached by a famous music producer. I hadn't saved enough pocket money to buy a guitar but  I headed to the shop and she let me try one out. I went to the shop a lot after that. She was so helpful and her knowledge about guitars blew me away. Six months later I had bought that guitar, practised every day and even formed my own band. I just had to let her know my feelings for her with one of my own songs. But there was no way I could sing to her until I had learned to play better. And then it all seemed to fall into place. My band got its first gig and I hoped that she would come to watch us. I went to tell her after school and took her a ticket in my trembling hands. We sat down outside and chatted about school but I had trouble telling her about my gig. Each time I tried to pluck up the courage to ask her to come a ball would fly out of nowhere and ruin the moment. If that wasn't enough, I had a pair of ferrets making a racket in front of me too! Strangely, the more ball I kicked away, the more confident I got. Maybe it was something about my kicking to the rhythm but the ferrets seemed to calm down too. I was sure this was the perfect moment to tell her how I feel...

First-Day Orientation

[US] *cough* (Excuse me.) First of all, let me welcome and congratulate all of our... *ah-CHOO* new employees. Next, I need to tell you the most important thing you can know about working at our company: Wherever you are, whatever you do here, from the assembly line to Accounts Payable, rememmber to mind the flow. For proof, consider our executives seated there. They all came from humble origins but rose to the top because they embrace flow. If you want to climb the ladder here, you've gotta develop your flow! All right, everyone. Stand up and repeat after me: One! Start the spin smoothly and flow to a halt. Two! At lunchtime, season freely with flowing pepper and salt. *Ahhh-CHOOOOO!* (Excuse me.)


[UK, article is named 'An Upbeat Business Strategy'] Achoo! Ahem...Good morning ladies and gentlepigs. Congratulations on becoming the newest members of our organisation! Before you start working in this prestigious company, I would like to give you some important advice. No matter what we do, in this company, we are always upbeat! This is at the forefront of our business strategy. Even when times are tough, we believe success can always be achieved by keeping upbeat. The board came to realise its importance through a lot of hard work and spinning themselves. If you want to make it far in this company, you should make being upbeat your priority too! So, everybody stand up and join me in squealing. "All together now! Be upbeat! Turning ourselves around helps us turn profits round!" A...aaaah...chooooooooo!