The Bandleader

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"Thank you verrrrrry much-a!"
— Bandleader

The Bandleader
Appears in
  • Flag of Japan.svg Voice: Ochama
  • English language.svg Voice: Brad Holmes, Ochama
  • Flag of France (1794–1815, 1830–1974, 2020–present).svg Voice: Dominique Chagnon
  • Flag of Italy.svg Voice: Luca Ceccatelli
  • Flag of Spain.svg Voice: Iker Alvarez
  • Flag of South Korea.svg Voice: Unknown
  • The Bandleader (ボーカル?, Vocal), also known as The Sax Player (サクソフォン?, Saxophone), is the leader of The Frogettes in Frog Hop and Jumpin' Jazz in Rhythm Heaven and Rhythm Heaven Megamix.

    The Bandleader looks very similar to The Frogettes he leads. He is a light blue bipedal frog with a lighter blue belly. He wears dark blue tights with a red stripe. He has long blue arms, a round face, and two tall eyes.


    The Bandleader can sing and play the saxophone. Dancing, singing, and playing instruments is how the frog family makes its money[1]. His saxophone was lent to him by someone[2], and he accidentally dropped it into a pond[3].

    The Bandleader introduces the player to Rhythm Heaven, telling the player about flicking and congratulating them for clearing Remix 6. He appears in Munchy Monk in Rhythm Heaven Fever, where he can occasionally be seen out the window along with The Frogettes.



    In Other Languages

    Language Name Meaning
    Flag of Japan.svg Japanese <span class="tooltip" title="Bōkaru
    Sakusofon" style="text-decoration: underline; text-decoration-style: dotted">ボーカル
    Flag of the United States.svg EnglishNOA The Bandleader
    The Sax Player
    Flag of the United Kingdom (3-5).svg EnglishNOE The Bandleader
    The Sax Player
    Flag of France (1794–1815, 1830–1974, 2020–present).svg French Chef
    Flag of Spain.svg Spanish La coreógrafa
    El saxofonista
    The choreographer
    The saxophonist
    Flag of Italy.svg Italian Il cantante
    Il sassofonista
    The singer
    The saxophonist
    Flag of South Korea.svg Korean <span class="tooltip" title="Bokeol-ui
    Saegsopon-ui" style="text-decoration: underline; text-decoration-style: dotted">보컬의


    1. "When we grow up, we'll put on the colorful tights and practice singing, dancing, and playing instruments." "What? For real? Why?" "Because that's how our family makes its money." "Seriously?" ~ Microphone, Rhythm Heaven Megamix
    2. "Dis... Euh... Je voulais savoir... Le saxophone que tu m'as prêté, là... Il est étanche ? Genre... S'il tombe dans un étang plein de vase par exemple... Il est fichu ou pas ? Pourquoi je demande ça ? Oh... Pour rien, juste comme ça..." ("Say... Uh... I wanted to know... The saxophone you lent me, well... Is it waterproof? Like... If it falls into a pond full of silt for example... Is it ruined or not? Why am I asking? Oh... no reason, just asking...") ~ Micro, Rhythm Paradise Megamix
    3. "Hey, do you happen to know, just, hypothetically, if a sax is ruined by being dropped in a pond? No reason." ~ Saxophone, Rhythm Heaven Megamix