Screwbot Factory

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Screwbot Factory is the second game on Rhythm Heaven Fever. It features a factory with Lucky and Riku. Two Screwbots that move along a conveyor belt that need to be built. Getting a Perfect on this game rewards the player with the Screwbot Factory soundtrack. The sequel Screwbot Factory 2: The Return Of Palutena appears later during ga

File:Rh wii screwbot factory 01-600x341.jpg
Title screen of the game featuring Lucky, Riku and some things from the factory.

me progression.


The object of the game is to re-attatch everyone's heads onto their bodies the correct way through rhythm. Screwing them on too tight or not enough will not make them function properly.


A+B = Screw head

Release A+B = Stop Screwing Head



  • Screwbot Factory greatly resembles Fillbots.
  • Sometimes, the player plays an Angry Birds version of the game which has the characters from the Angry Birds app. The object is to screw the seats instead of screwing the heads on.


In Game Select menu: "Robot assembly is a precise task. You'll need to tighten the final screws at just the right amount."

On the Rhythm Heaven Fever website (US): "Building bots is a precise art... One turn too few or too many and they're junk. Have what it takes to keep the factory at peak output?"

On the Beat the Beat: Rhythm Paradise website (Europe): "Skilfully control the robot arm to build the baby robots and keep this factory at peak output. Press the A and B Buttons together to begin the screwing action, but be careful, the timing of when you let go is just as important."