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Screwbots are characters in [[Screwbot Factory]].
Robots are characters in [[Screwbot Factory]].

They appear as very generic robots, with huge screws as heads.
They appear as very generic robots, with huge screws as heads.
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They only have two names, Lucky and Riku. Riku is white and has a shorter head, while Lucky is black and has a longer one.
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== ''Street Fighter X Tekken'' ==
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Lucky and Riku had an appearance in ''Street Fighter X Tekken'' as rare unlockable fighters.
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Lucky's Normal Moves are Screw Hadoken, Screw Shoryuken and Flying Kick. His Super Combo is Screw Strike and his Ultra Combos are Shinku Screw Hadoken and Metsu Screw Shoryuken.
Riku's Normal Moves are Screw Shot, Screw Tatsumaki Senpukyaku and Dash Punch. Her Super Combo is Screw Shinryuken and her Ultra Combos are Screw Raging Smash and Screw Raging Punch.
== ''Nintendogs + Cats'' ==
Riku and Lucky also made an appearance in the 3DS game ''Nintendogs + Cats''. Their look is the same as the ones in Rhythm Heaven Fever. Lucky's price in the Kennals is $100 and Riku's price in the Kennals is $200.
== Descriptions For Lucky ==
''Street Fighter X Tekken'': ''Lucky is a nice black Screwbot. He likes his best friend Riku. But this time, he's looking for an answer in the heart of battle just like Ryu!''
''Nintendogs + Cats'': ''This cute friendly little robot is very useful and playful and only has two legs and a black body. It gets on with puppies and kittens in a glance.''
''Rhythm Heaven Fever'': ''This small pal is very cute. It is also known for it's screw-like head, metalic black body and short legs.''
== Descriptions For Riku ==
''Street Fighter X Tekken'': ''Trained with Lucky under the tutelage of fighting champ Riko, and has since become a cute fighter. She is the heir to the Screwbot Family since she was once in the factory with Lucky.''
''Nintendogs + Cats'': ''It's cute legs, head and shaped white body give this robot an air of wisdom and love with kittens and puppies.''
''Rhythm Heaven Fever'': ''This Screwbot is very cute and small and very white. Like Lucky, this one is playful and lovely at times.''
== Lucky's Story ==
As a very cute and young Screwbot, Lucky was orphaned and left with no memories about his parents, and whether they were still alive. He was found and adopted by a boy named Mr Worker who raised Lucky in his cute room in the factory floor and trained Lucky in the ways of screwing and building. Shortly afterwards, Mr Worker would later train his best friend's sweet pal Riku. Riku served only as a partner, but also gave Lucky a friend in the form of a Screwbot her own age. Lucky looked up to Mr Worker as a father figure, and regards Riku as his best friend and cute sister, a relationship which remains to this day. When Lucky was 5 years old, Mr Worker believed that Lucky was ready to protect and travel the world in order to test and home his skills against the best fighters from around the world. With this, Lucky left the Screwbot Factory, and headed to protect and fight in the Rhythm Heaven tournament.
== Riku's Story ==
When Riku was 3 years old, her mother, a hospital Screwbot thought that her son needed to learn about discipline, or her son would be a wizard all of her life and try to leech onto the Screwbot Family's fortune. In order to do so, the family sent Riku to the Screwbot Factory to train under her best friend, the mysterious screwing master Mr Worker. At first, Riku was very hesitant to learn from Mr Worker, wanting to go back to the Screwbot Family's house, but later began to respect her master. She even enjoyed the company of Mr Worker's adopted son, Lucky, although this got Riku into a lot of trouble. Lucky and Riku would later become best friends and each other principal rivals.
When Lucky was 5, Mr Worker decided that both of his pals had grown a bit to be fine fighters and decided that their training was over and could now leave the factory floor. Lucky decided to protect and travel the world in order to continue his training, whereas Riku was finally happy to be going back home after her years of straining her back for her master, Mr Worker, and finally learning the meaning of humility. Ater coming home, Riku competed in many different tournaments held in the world, winning most of them.