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In Rhythm Heaven the player can obtain written articles.

These articles are obtained as Gifts by earning a Perfect on certain rhythm games. They can be read at the Cafe in the "Read Something" corner.

The articles "Greetings" and "The Secret of Flicking" are already in the "Read Something" corner once the player accesses it for the first time.


Thank you for buying Rhythm Heaven! It might take some doing, but we hope you get a change to enjoy each of the rhythm games we've made for you!

Oh, if you're reading this, that means you've played the game! Never mind us then! Keep playing, and have a great time!

The Secret of Flicking

Are you getting the hand of flicking the stylus? It takes a little oomph, doesn't it? If you're still having trouble, let me show you a little secret.

You know how when you write a checkmark, you end up with that tail that goes up sharply? Try making your flick just like you're writing the tail of a checkmark. Just get ready for a burst of energy, and flick like you really mean it. The real trick is learning how to snap your wrist properly.

Keep practicing that flick until it's as natural t you as snapping your fingers!

Help Wanted

Our farm needs workers to help us bring in the harvest and get rid of our mole problem.

We don't discriminate by gender. (But you must have rhythm.)

We don't discriminate by age. (But you must be able to catch.

You can take off any days you want. (Just give us some notice.)

We'll pay you whatever you want. (Just don't ask for too much.)

Come join in the harvest fun! We can't wait to hear from you!

Contact info: Stomp and Chomp Agriculture Co. Human Resources Dept.

What's a Güíro?

Güíro Lizards

The güíro lizard and his güíro cutie live in the desert. The male is smaller than the female, but his tail is huge. He can shake it to it sound like a maraca.

The female's tail is very hard, and she can use it to rub the ridges on her back to make a rattling sound. You can often see her performing this mating call around Carnival. When the mating calls of the male and female overlap perfectly, the two form a beautiful rhythmic bond.

When it's festival time, this good-natured reptile likes to heat up its cold blood with loud music and crazy dancing.

Robot Manual

Fueling Robots

These robots are delicate, precise machines. They also have a very advanced artificial intelligence. By the time they reach the fueling zone at the end of the assembly line, the robots are already conscious and aware of the other robots around them.

These sensitive robots might be offended if they notice another robot receiving more fuel than they do. They are sort of delicate that way. Also, they tend to explode when given too much fuel. They are sort of delicate that way, too.

However, if you give them just the right amount of fuel, they'll take off into the skies, the happiest robots you've ever seen. I don't know why they do this. They must be very advanced indeed!

DJ School Flier

Now Recruiting Wannabe DJs!

Our DJ school is looking for people who want to look like a real DJ! Our friendly, courteous and strangely yellow instructor will show you the moves!

Learn how to fake breathtaking breaks, and pretend to pull off supertight pitch shifting! If you want to look like you're a DJ, enroll today!


People interested in becoming real DJs need not apply. Our facilities can handle only people who want to LOOK like DJs.

Blue Bird Diary

Blue Bird Diary

Please read this. It makes all the scenes during the game make sense...

April 16

It's finally happened! All my dreams have come true! I've joined the Blue Bird Brigade! First up: basic training! We need to get in shape fast. Our captain is small but ever so demanding. Wish me luck!

April 20

They call is basic training, but there's nothing basic about it! We had to tug a tank while the captain rode on it, yelling at us the whole way! Boy. It sure was heavy.

May 2

Still more basic training. Pedal-powered airplanes are a bad idea. Why can't we just fly using our own wings?

May 10

Parachute training today. I have wings! Why do I need a parachute? Why won't the captain let me fly with my own two wings?

May 14

We were just sort of wandering around today because we were so tired. All of a sudden, we fell off a cliff! (It was an accident!) I think we'd all forgotten that we even had wings, because we climbed our way back up. Still, the sunset made it all worthwhile.

May 24

Tomorrow, we will finally learn where we are being assigned to. Who knows where we'll be posted? Our leader keeps saying "somewhere fun," but coming from him, that scares me more. Ahh, it's too scary! Eep.

Crew's Log

I command the battleship tasked with protecting our home planet from the scourge of alien invaders. It is my duty. It is my life.

We fight an enemy fueled not only by aggression but also by unstoppable rhythm! Keep the beat in such tense conditions for so long can change you, make you forget who you are. And losing sight of who you are is a frightening thing.

But when I hear a certain voice, I remember who I am again. I remember why I do this. My dear friend on the com-link gives me instructions, but also gives me encouragement when the battle is heated. I may be far from home, but she sounds like she's sitting right beside me.

My duty is my life. I will fight and fight until I can go home. But when I do, I'll see her again.

Assembly Line Slogans

Slogan for April: Rhythm and precision make for happy widgets.

Slogan for May: The beat of the song is the heartbeat of the factory.

Slogan for June: Work faster: work with rhythm!

Slogan for July: Sleepy on the factory floor? A little beat will keep you up!

Slogan for August: A safe worker is a rhythmic worker.

Slogan for September: Report workers without rhythm!

Slogan for Octoboer: If you're not with the beat, you're against it!

Slogan for November: Fall in step! Get with the rhythm!

Slogan for December: I stayed on the rhythm and production suffered. Why?

Slogan for January: What's wrong with keep with the rhythm?

Slogan for February: It turns out staying with the rhythm doesn't matter much.

Slogan for March: Turns out you get paid the same whether you're on the beat or not.

Eyewitness Accounts

We've just scored some juicy info on the hot new mystery monster! Dumpling Man!