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Saffron is very greedy, and tries to get as many [[Coins]] out of the player as possible, which leads to his brothers calling him out on his behaviour<ref>Gatekeeper Trio: "WE MEET AGAIN, AS PROBABLY FORETOLD AT SOME POINT. THIS IS THE {{color|#30A1DC|THIRD GATE}}. AND WE, AS YOU KNOW BY NOW, ARE THE {{color|#FF6868|GATEKEEPER TRIO}}."<br>Saffron: "Yeah! So if you wanna get through here... you just gotta leave all your coins on the ground there."<br>Saltwater: "Saffron! How many times do we have to say it? We are not running a protection racket here!"<br>Saffron: "Man! Whatever happened to innovation in the workplace? So yeah, it's the same conditions as it ALWAYS was. You think you can {{color|#FF6868|pass}} again, or will your luck run out? The more times you lose, the more coins you lose! We love collecting those sweet, sweet {{color|#FF6868|challenge charges}}!"<br>Paprika: "Ignore my brother's unbecoming coin obsession."<br>Gatekeeper Trio: "ARE YOU PREPARED FOR THE CHALLENGE?" ~ [[Gatekeeper Trio]] introduction at [[The Third Gate]], ''[[Rhythm Heaven Megamix]]''</ref>. His trials are the easiest, but also the most expensive. He dislikes Saltwater in particular, and envies him when the latter does the omnious speech at [[The Second Gate]]<ref>Gatekeeper Trio: "AH. IT IS YOU AGAIN. YOU HAVE REACHED THE {{color|#30A1DC|SECOND GATE}}. AND WE REMAIN THE {{color|#FF6868|GATEKEEPER TRIO}}."<br>Saltwater: "If you would pass this way... you must {{color|#FF6868|pass}} our test once more!"<br>Saffron: "Oh, so now Saltwater gets to do the ominous part?"<br>Paprika: "Silence, Saffron! Well you know that Saltwater has been rehearsing!"<br>Saffron: "Yeah, yeah..."<br>Saltwater: "Way to kill the vibe, Saffron. Oh, and you should know there's another {{color|#FF6868|challenge charge}}!"<br>Gatekeeper Trio "ARE YOU PREPARED FOR THIS CHALLENGE?" ~ [[Gatekeeper Trio]] introduction at [[The Second Gate]], ''[[Rhythm Heaven Megamix]]''</ref>. After the player clears [[The First Gate]], Saffron opens the [[Shop]] at the [[Café]], though the [[Barista]] thinks there is something odd about it<ref>"Hello there! Big news! We finally got the {{color|#E40000|Shop}} open now. ...But there's something odd about it. Would you go check it out sometime? It's just right over there on the side. Let me know what you think!" ~ [[Barista]], ''[[Rhythm Heaven Megamix]]''</ref>. Upon first meeting the player, Saffron appears to recognize them from before, but dismisses it, and proceeds to explain how to purchase things from the [[Shop]]<ref>"Hi there! Hey, you're not... No, never mind. Thought you were somebody else. Anyway, this is my shop! We got cool stuff for the rhythm fancier! We got inexpensive trinkets and super-rare antiques! We got all kinds of things here. Look around! Some of them you can only buy with {{color|#E40000|Flow Balls}}, though. What? You don't know what a {{color|#E40000|Flow Ball}} is? It's real simple. Flow Balls are kinda like coins, but... you can only get 'em in Challenge Land. There's a couple of ways to get them there. ...Or if there's only one, the other will start soon. You got all that? Now why dontcha buy something?" ~ [[Saffron]] upon visiting the [[Shop]] for the first time, ''[[Rhythm Heaven Megamix]]''</ref>. He may value [[Flow Ball]]s more than [[Coins]], as he is willing to give the player 30 [[Coins]] for each [[Flow Ball]] they have after the player has purchased everything that costs [[Flow Ball]]s<ref>"You look like you got too many Flow Balls, there. There's nothin' left in my shop to buy with Flow Balls. How many Flow Balls do you have left? [X]... I'll give you [30X] coins for what you've got!" ~ [[Saffron]] when the player visits the [[Shop]] after having purchased everything that costs [[Flow Ball]]s and they have some leftover, ''[[Rhythm Heaven Megamix]]''</ref>.
Saffron is very greedy, and tries to get as many [[Coins]] out of the player as possible, which leads to his brothers calling him out on his behaviour<ref>Gatekeeper Trio: "WE MEET AGAIN, AS PROBABLY FORETOLD AT SOME POINT. THIS IS THE {{color|#30A1DC|THIRD GATE}}. AND WE, AS YOU KNOW BY NOW, ARE THE {{color|#FF6868|GATEKEEPER TRIO}}."<br>Saffron: "Yeah! So if you wanna get through here... you just gotta leave all your coins on the ground there."<br>Saltwater: "Saffron! How many times do we have to say it? We are not running a protection racket here!"<br>Saffron: "Man! Whatever happened to innovation in the workplace? So yeah, it's the same conditions as it ALWAYS was. You think you can {{color|#FF6868|pass}} again, or will your luck run out? The more times you lose, the more coins you lose! We love collecting those sweet, sweet {{color|#FF6868|challenge charges}}!"<br>Paprika: "Ignore my brother's unbecoming coin obsession."<br>Gatekeeper Trio: "ARE YOU PREPARED FOR THE CHALLENGE?" ~ [[Gatekeeper Trio]] introduction at [[The Third Gate]], ''[[Rhythm Heaven Megamix]]''</ref>. His trials are the easiest, but also the most expensive. He dislikes Saltwater in particular, and envies him when the latter does the omnious speech at [[The Second Gate]]<ref>Gatekeeper Trio: "AH. IT IS YOU AGAIN. YOU HAVE REACHED THE {{color|#30A1DC|SECOND GATE}}. AND WE REMAIN THE {{color|#FF6868|GATEKEEPER TRIO}}."<br>Saltwater: "If you would pass this way... you must {{color|#FF6868|pass}} our test once more!"<br>Saffron: "Oh, so now Saltwater gets to do the ominous part?"<br>Paprika: "Silence, Saffron! Well you know that Saltwater has been rehearsing!"<br>Saffron: "Yeah, yeah..."<br>Saltwater: "Way to kill the vibe, Saffron. Oh, and you should know there's another {{color|#FF6868|challenge charge}}!"<br>Gatekeeper Trio "ARE YOU PREPARED FOR THIS CHALLENGE?" ~ [[Gatekeeper Trio]] introduction at [[The Second Gate]], ''[[Rhythm Heaven Megamix]]''</ref>. After the player clears [[The First Gate]], Saffron opens the [[Shop]] at the [[Café]], though the [[Barista]] thinks there is something odd about it<ref>"Hello there! Big news! We finally got the {{color|#E40000|Shop}} open now. ...But there's something odd about it. Would you go check it out sometime? It's just right over there on the side. Let me know what you think!" ~ [[Barista]], ''[[Rhythm Heaven Megamix]]''</ref>. Upon first meeting the player, Saffron appears to recognize them from before, but dismisses it, and proceeds to explain how to purchase things from the [[Shop]]<ref>"Hi there! Hey, you're not... No, never mind. Thought you were somebody else. Anyway, this is my shop! We got cool stuff for the rhythm fancier! We got inexpensive trinkets and super-rare antiques! We got all kinds of things here. Look around! Some of them you can only buy with {{color|#E40000|Flow Balls}}, though. What? You don't know what a {{color|#E40000|Flow Ball}} is? It's real simple. Flow Balls are kinda like coins, but... you can only get 'em in Challenge Land. There's a couple of ways to get them there. ...Or if there's only one, the other will start soon. You got all that? Now why dontcha buy something?" ~ [[Saffron]] upon visiting the [[Shop]] for the first time, ''[[Rhythm Heaven Megamix]]''</ref>. He may value [[Flow Ball]]s more than [[Coins]], as he is willing to give the player 30 [[Coins]] for each [[Flow Ball]] they have after the player has purchased everything that costs [[Flow Ball]]s<ref>"You look like you got too many Flow Balls, there. There's nothin' left in my shop to buy with Flow Balls. How many Flow Balls do you have left? [X]... I'll give you [30X] coins for what you've got!" ~ [[Saffron]] when the player visits the [[Shop]] after having purchased everything that costs [[Flow Ball]]s and they have some leftover, ''[[Rhythm Heaven Megamix]]''</ref>.

Saltwater is the fairest of the trio, offering a normal difficulty in his trials, with a medium cost. He notices if the player is having too much trouble clearing the challenges, appreciates the effort they put in, and allows them to pass anyway to keep it fair, much to Saffron's chagrin<ref name="autoclear"/>. After clearing [[Shoot-'em-up]], he gets hired at the [[Café]] as the [[museum]] curator. The [[Barista]] sees him as real serious<ref>"Hello there! Oh, I should tell you... Big staffing news around here. The museum went and hired a {{color|#0E006F|curator}}. Seems pretty legit. He comes off real serious. Go chat with him sometime. See you later." ~ [[Barista]], ''[[Rhythm Heaven Megamix]]''</ref>. When first talked to, Saltwater seems to recognize the player, but dismisses it, and explains what the [[museum]] is about<ref>"Welcome! Wait... Have I seen you somewhere before? Eh, never mind. Must be thinking of someone else. Anyway, here's the museum, where we keep stuff. We've got games, Rhythm Items, memories, etc., etc. Take a while. Soak it in. Be proud of yourself. Feel free to come by when you want to bask. So, what do you want to see?" ~ [[Saltwarer]] upon first talking to him infront of the [[museum]], ''[[Rhythm Heaven Megamix]]''</ref>. When talking to him, the player can view their [[Badges]], [[Mascots]] and [[Memories]].
Saltwater is the fairest of the trio, offering a normal difficulty in his trials, with a medium cost. He notices if the player is having too much trouble clearing the challenges, appreciates the effort they put in, and allows them to pass anyway to keep it fair, much to Saffron's chagrin<ref name="autoclear"/>. After clearing [[Shoot-'em-up]], he gets hired at the [[Café]] as the [[museum]] curator. The [[Barista]] sees him as real serious<ref>"Hello there! Oh, I should tell you... Big staffing news around here. The museum went and hired a {{color|#0E006F|curator}}. Seems pretty legit. He comes off real serious. Go chat with him sometime. See you later." ~ [[Barista]], ''[[Rhythm Heaven Megamix]]''</ref>. When first talked to, Saltwater seems to recognize the player, but dismisses it, and explains what the [[museum]] is about<ref>"Welcome! Wait... Have I seen you somewhere before? Eh, never mind. Must be thinking of someone else. Anyway, here's the museum, where we keep stuff. We've got games, Rhythm Items, memories, etc., etc. Take a while. Soak it in. Be proud of yourself. Feel free to come by when you want to bask. So, what do you want to see?" ~ [[Saltwater]] upon first talking to him infront of the [[museum]], ''[[Rhythm Heaven Megamix]]''</ref>. When talking to him, the player can view their [[Badges]], [[Mascots]] and [[Memories]].

Paprika appears to be the leader of the trio. His trials are the most difficult, but he keeps the challenge fair, saying that they are not monsters, and that it is are supposed to be fun. Whenever the player accepts a challenge, he responds by encouraging them to try<ref>"That's the spirit! Fortune favors the bold!" ~ [[Paprika]] when the player accepts a [[Perfect Campaign]] challenge, ''[[Rhythm Heaven Megamix]]''</ref>, but is surprised<ref>Paprika: "What? Really? You will not even try? Then you may not pass.<br>Gatekeeper Trio: "GATHER YOUR COURAGE AND RETURN AGAIN." ~ [[Gatekeeper Trio]] if the player declines the challenge at [[The First Gate]], ''[[Rhythm Heaven Megamix]]''</ref> or disappointed<ref>Paprika: "I see... Perhaps I misjudged you. Do not waste our time. We have gates to keep."<br>Gatekeeper Trio: "RETURN WHEN YOUR COURAGE IS RENEWED." ~ [[Gatekeeper Trio]] if the player declines the challenge at [[The Second Gate]], ''[[Rhythm Heaven Megamix]]''</ref><ref>Paprika: "Wait, what? You will make us wait? will be suppertime soon..."<br>Gatekeeper Trio: "COME BACK SOON. WE ARE HUNGRY." ~ [[Gatekeeper Trio]] if the player declines the challenge at [[The Third Gate]], ''[[Rhythm Heaven Megamix]]''</ref>  if they decline, and encourages them to reconsider<ref>"Oh, well... That's cool, I guess. The campaign will only run for a limited time. You might want to reconsider before it's too late..." ~ [[Paprika]] when the player declines a [[Perfect Campaign]] challenge, ''[[Rhythm Heaven Megamix]]''</ref>. After clearing [[The First Gate]], he opens up [[Challenge Land]], where the player is able to ride the Challenge Train in a series games with modified rules. Each course is found in different worlds named after each of the Gatekeeper Trio, indicating the difficulty. Upon entering [[Challenge Land]], Paprika greets the player, seems to recognize them but dismisses it, and explains the rules<ref>"Welcome to {{color|#FF6868|Challenge Land}}! Hmmm... Didn't I see you at the gate before? Eh, never mind. This is where you board the {{color|#0E49B3|Challenge Train}}. You ride through courses on your way to the goal... and receive {{color|#920D98|rewards}} for your skill! Sounds like fun, yes? However! In each course that awaits you... the rhythm games have been altered with a rule or two. Clearing them will not be easy! ...But that's why this is not the Napping Train. Up to {{color|#0E49B3|four players}} can ride together on the {{color|#FF6868|Challenge Train}}. You might want to try it out with your friends. Just come talk to me when you're ready for the challenge." ~ [[Paprika]] upon entering [[Challenge Land]] for the first time, ''[[Rhythm Heaven Megamix]]''</ref>. Upon clearing [[Paprika World]], he is impressed with the player's skill despite the high difficulty of the challenges, and believes they could be friends. He invites the player to play in [[Challenge Land]] again if they would like<ref>"I don't believe it... Every single course in all of {{color|#FF6868|Challenge Land}}... Every fiendish torture and outlandish victory condition... You cleared them all?! IS THAT WHAT YOU'RE SAYING?! ... I feel like we could be friends. Ahem. Anyway, come back here and ride again from time to time. You're always welcome on my train." ~ [[Paprika]] after the player clears [[Paprika World]], ''[[Rhythm Heaven Megamix]]''</ref>.
Paprika appears to be the leader of the trio. His trials are the most difficult, but he keeps the challenge fair, saying that they are not monsters, and that it is are supposed to be fun. Whenever the player accepts a challenge, he responds by encouraging them to try<ref>"That's the spirit! Fortune favors the bold!" ~ [[Paprika]] when the player accepts a [[Perfect Campaign]] challenge, ''[[Rhythm Heaven Megamix]]''</ref>, but is surprised<ref>Paprika: "What? Really? You will not even try? Then you may not pass.<br>Gatekeeper Trio: "GATHER YOUR COURAGE AND RETURN AGAIN." ~ [[Gatekeeper Trio]] if the player declines the challenge at [[The First Gate]], ''[[Rhythm Heaven Megamix]]''</ref> or disappointed<ref>Paprika: "I see... Perhaps I misjudged you. Do not waste our time. We have gates to keep."<br>Gatekeeper Trio: "RETURN WHEN YOUR COURAGE IS RENEWED." ~ [[Gatekeeper Trio]] if the player declines the challenge at [[The Second Gate]], ''[[Rhythm Heaven Megamix]]''</ref><ref>Paprika: "Wait, what? You will make us wait? will be suppertime soon..."<br>Gatekeeper Trio: "COME BACK SOON. WE ARE HUNGRY." ~ [[Gatekeeper Trio]] if the player declines the challenge at [[The Third Gate]], ''[[Rhythm Heaven Megamix]]''</ref>  if they decline, and encourages them to reconsider<ref>"Oh, well... That's cool, I guess. The campaign will only run for a limited time. You might want to reconsider before it's too late..." ~ [[Paprika]] when the player declines a [[Perfect Campaign]] challenge, ''[[Rhythm Heaven Megamix]]''</ref>. After clearing [[The First Gate]], he opens up [[Challenge Land]], where the player is able to ride the Challenge Train in a series games with modified rules. Each course is found in different worlds named after each of the Gatekeeper Trio, indicating the difficulty. Upon entering [[Challenge Land]], Paprika greets the player, seems to recognize them but dismisses it, and explains the rules<ref>"Welcome to {{color|#FF6868|Challenge Land}}! Hmmm... Didn't I see you at the gate before? Eh, never mind. This is where you board the {{color|#0E49B3|Challenge Train}}. You ride through courses on your way to the goal... and receive {{color|#920D98|rewards}} for your skill! Sounds like fun, yes? However! In each course that awaits you... the rhythm games have been altered with a rule or two. Clearing them will not be easy! ...But that's why this is not the Napping Train. Up to {{color|#0E49B3|four players}} can ride together on the {{color|#FF6868|Challenge Train}}. You might want to try it out with your friends. Just come talk to me when you're ready for the challenge." ~ [[Paprika]] upon entering [[Challenge Land]] for the first time, ''[[Rhythm Heaven Megamix]]''</ref>. Upon clearing [[Paprika World]], he is impressed with the player's skill despite the high difficulty of the challenges, and believes they could be friends. He invites the player to play in [[Challenge Land]] again if they would like<ref>"I don't believe it... Every single course in all of {{color|#FF6868|Challenge Land}}... Every fiendish torture and outlandish victory condition... You cleared them all?! IS THAT WHAT YOU'RE SAYING?! ... I feel like we could be friends. Ahem. Anyway, come back here and ride again from time to time. You're always welcome on my train." ~ [[Paprika]] after the player clears [[Paprika World]], ''[[Rhythm Heaven Megamix]]''</ref>.
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